
Please email me or visit my ResearchGate profile for PDFs of my papers! Associated data and code can be found on GitHub.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Juman, M.M., Gibson, L., Suu-Ire, R.D., Languon, S., Quaye, O., Fleischer, G., Asumah, S., Jolma, E.R., Gautam, A., Sterling, S.L., Yan, L., Broder, C.C., Laing, E., Wood, J.L.N., Cunningham, A.A., and Restif, O. (in review) Ecological and reproductive cycles drive henipavirus seroprevalence in the African straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum). Ecology and Evolution.

Olson, L.E., and Juman, M.M. (2024) Host taxonomy is critical in zoonotic disease surveillance and reporting. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(2): 554-555.

Juman, M.M., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. (2024) Craniometric variation and taxonomic boundaries in the Madras Treeshrew (Scandentia, Tupaiidae: Anathana ellioti [Waterhouse, 1850]) from India. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 31:4.

Juman, M.M., Woodman, N., Miller-Murthy, A., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. (2022) Taxonomic boundaries in Lesser Treeshrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae: Tupaia minor Günther, 1876). Journal of Mammalogy, 103(6): 1431-1440.

Juman, M.M., Millien, V., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. (2022) Recent and rapid ecogeographical rule reversals in Northern Treeshrews. Scientific Reports, 12: 19689.

Press: Cambridge, Yale, McGill, Vet Times, Yale Daily News

Juman, M.M., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. (2021) Skeletal variation and taxonomic boundaries in the Pen-tailed Treeshrew (Scandentia: Ptilocercidae; Ptilocercus lowii Gray, 1848). Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 28(4): 1193-1203.

Juman, M.M., Woodman, N., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. (2021) Ecogeographic variation and taxonomic boundaries in Large Treeshrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae: Tupaia tana Raffles, 1821) from Southeast Asia. Journal of Mammalogy, 102(4): 1054-1066.

Ruane, S., Myers, E.A., Lo, K., Yuen, S., Welt, R.S., Juman, M.M., Futterman, I., Nussbaum, R.A., Schneider, G., Burbrink, F.T., Raxworthy, C.J. (2018) Unrecognized species diversity and new insights into colour pattern polymorphism within the widespread Malagasy snake Mimophis (Serpentes: Lamprophiidae). Systematics and Biodiversity, 16(3): 229-244.

Technical Reports

Juman, M.M., Sargis, E.J., Talmale, S.S. (accepted). Anathana ellioti. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Juman, M.M., Sargis, E.J. (2023) Tupaia belangeri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Juman, M.M., Sargis, E.J. (2023) Tupaia minor. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Juman, M.M., Sargis, E.J. (2023) Ptilocercus lowii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Juman, M.M., Sargis, E.J. (2023) Tupaia tana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Juman, M.M., Han, B.A., and Becker, D.J. “Model-guided henipavirus discovery in museum bat collections.” To be presented at Hendra@30: Henipavirus International Conference, Geelong, Australia, 12/8/2024.

Juman, M.M. “Museums, Microbes, and the Machine: AI-driven pathogen surveillance in natural history collections.” Zoonotic Collecting: The Fourth Annual Conference of The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis, St Andrews, Scotland, 6/25/2024.

Juman, M.M., Restif, O. “Seasonal and spatial patterns of henipavirus seroprevalence in Straw-colored Fruit Bats (Eidolon helvum).” British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12/15/2023.

Juman, M.M., Millien, V., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. “Recent and rapid ecogeographical rule reversals in Northern Treeshrews.” International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK, 7/14/2023. Received the ASM Travel Award.

Juman, M.M., Woodman, N., Miller-Murthy, A., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. “Taxonomic boundaries in Lesser Treeshrews (Scandentia, Tupaiidae: Tupaia minor Günther, 1876).” Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, 6/18/2022. Received the ASM Travel Award.

Juman, M.M., Olson, L.E., and Sargis, E.J. “Skeletal variation and taxonomic boundaries in the Pen-tailed Treeshrew (Scandentia, Ptilocercidae: Ptilocercus lowii).” Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, 6/15/2021. Received the ASM Travel Award.

Juman, M.M., Woodman, N., Olson, L.E., Sargis, E.J. “Skeletal variation among island populations of Large Treeshrews (Scandentia: Tupaiidae: Tupaia tana).” Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Washington, D.C., 6/29/2019. Received the ASM Undergraduate Student Honorarium.